All Clients of Physio Pilates Retford must undergo an initial consultation and assessment prior to commencing classes or follow-up 1:1 Pilates sessions.
This session will include an assessment of your posture, spinal and joint mobility, and muscle length and function. Your Physiotherapist will teach you the key elements of Pilates, ensure you know how to set your body in neutral alignment to achieve the most benefit out of future Pilates exercises, and teach you how to engage your core stabilising muscles.
This assessment not only determines your current level of ability in Pilates, but it also highlights any “problem” areas to work on. It also means that the content of the class or follow-up 1:1 sessions can be planned in advance, and your Physiotherapist will be aware of which exercises to pay particular attention to.
The consultation aspect gives you the opportunity to ask questions and highlight any concerns you may have about commencing Pilates, be it due to pain, pregnancy or just uncertainty.
Prior to your initial assessment, you will be sent a health questionnaire and registration form to complete. This can either be sent by e-mail or by post.